Der Fachanwalt für Erbrecht
(The Specialist Attorney for Inheritance Law)
The occupational title “Specialist Attorney for Inheritance Law” was passed into legislation in a resolution dated 23 November 2004. Now any attorney with suitable experience in inheritance law can obtain a qualification as a specialist attorney …
Die Lebensversicherung im Erb- und Erbschaftssteuerrecht
(Life Assurance in Inheritance and Inheritance Tax Law)
The legal fundamentals of life assurance contracts and the rights of the persons concerned …
Praxishandbuch Erbrecht und Banken
(A Practical Handbook for Inheritance Law and Banking)
An account-free person is unimaginable in our day and age, which is why you will find bank-specific legal interests in every estate that could cause inheritance law related problems …
Die Nachlasspflegschaft in der anwaltlichen Praxis
(Temporary Administration of Estate in Legal Practice)
This book addresses in a detailed and knowledgeable manner all issues relating to the temporary administration of estate …